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Webinar - Forging a path to net zero and nature rich

On the 29th February 2024, Herefordshire council, Herefordshire Green Network and members of the Herefordshire Climate and Nature Partnership (HCNP) Board came together to deliver a Webinar, sharing an insight into the achievements, activities and plans of the Board, along with the wider environmental work of Herefordshire Council.

The event was well attended by 81 individuals, with many thought provoking questions asked of the HCNP board, which were followed up in the discussion. If you missed it, don’t worry, you can watch the recording of the webinar below.

As is often the case we ran out of time, and were unable to answer all questions during the discussion. Check out this article to read chair of the board, James Marsden, and chair of the Land Use and Farming Sub group, Steve Klenk, answer some of the questions that were missed.